Bubble Bath Founders Club
The Founders Club Club will close at 2,000 Members
Be the First & Save!
Claim your spot to unlock exclusive benefits:
30 Days of Unlimited Car Washes for $1
Hold your spot for $1 and enjoy 30 days of free car washes once we open.
25% Off Memberships 4-Ever (yes, you read that right)
Secure a lifetime discount! Get 25% OFF our best membership package, Bubble Glow, forever.
Be one of the First 2,000 Members!
Founders Club Memberships are available as Bubble Glow memberships only. The lifetime discount cannot be applied to any other level of membership. Member credit cards will be charged a $1 sign-up charge. Starting 30 days after our new location opens, members will be recharged a discounted rate of 25% off per month. Current or recent Bubble Bath Car Wash Unlimited Members active within the last 12 months are ineligible to join the Founders Club.
What is the Founders Club?
The Founders Club is an exclusive group made of the first 2,000 members at a new Bubble Bath Car Wash location. These members get unmatched access to membership discounts and perks.
Prior to opening, members will hold their spot by paying $1. Once the car wash has opened, members will enjoy 30 days of unlimited washes for FREE. After 30 days, Founders Club members will receive a lifetime discount of 25% off their monthly membership.
How is it different from a regular Bubble Bath Unlimited Membership?
Like our regular membership program, members of the Founders Club are billed a recurring monthly fee starting 30 days after the location opens. The perk is that Founders Club members keep a 25% monthly discount forever.
How much is the Founders Club Membership discount?
Founders Club memberships save 25% as long as they have a membership at Bubble Bath Car Wash.
Can I use my Founders Club Membership at any Bubble Bath Location?
Bubble Bath Car Wash will send you a text once your location is open. Once you activate your membership at the new location, you can wash your car at any Bubble Bath Car Wash location.
Is this a recurring charge?
After getting your first 30 days for free, your membership will be a recurring credit card charge, billed once a month for your discounted Bubble Glow wash membership (25% off) for the duration of your membership.
How do I cancel?
Cancel anytime, no questions asked. Click here to cancel or call our Customer Service Center at (210) 877-3080.