Call: (210) 877-3080 or Text: (210) 880-1344

Terms of Service

Unlimited Wash Club Terms of Agreement

• I authorize Bubble Bath Car Wash to charge my credit card month to month for the selected Unlimited Wash plan.

• I understand this Automatic Recharge Authorization shall remain in force until I cancel by giving 30 days written notice.

• I understand Bubble Bath Car Wash may cancel this plan at any time, and that the plan will be canceled if the 30-Day charge is declined by the card processing system.

• I understand that circumstances may affect the availability of services, including equipment failure or inclement weather.

• I understand that my current membership cannot be combined with any other Bubble Bath Car Wash promotions, coupons, or discounts.

• I understand that monthly rates may be increased, with notice posted online and to my email or mobile device a week in advance.

• I understand that my Unlimited Wash Pass can only be used with the vehicle that is on file and may not be applied to any other vehicle.

• I understand that I can cancel my membership at any time without any cancellation fees.

•  I understand that with my membership I can wash my vehicle up to two times a day at any Bubble Bath Car Wash location.